

at unacademy

what — at unacademy group, worked on a bunch of protopie projects. these ranged from tricky interactions to out-of-the-box designs, and even making a game. the work often needed mixing up interactions and logic, sometimes throwing in some custom code for those extra special touches.

microinteractions clx — put together a prototype for clx with some cool mobile interactions for live classes. getting all those gestures right was a bit of a puzzle but definitely fun. added things like sliders for easy rewind or fast-forward, and a quick swipe up showed what's coming up next. even thought about those moments you just want to watch without fuss, adding a lock screen and easy controls for brightness and volume.

handouts clx — created a prototype that showed both teacher and student sides at the same time. it was all about showing how one action here pops up something there. timing was key to make sure everything clicked just right. this helped a lot in making things clearer during user tests and made the whole thing feel more natural and easy to use.

mynotes clx — worked on making note-taking in live classes super straightforward. the idea was to make it easy for students to jot down the important stuff without missing a beat.

skill game projectx — tried something new with a 5-question game, giving each round its own twist. from slider puzzles to typing challenges, and even a quick math problem. also added a way to keep track of how you're doing against the other player.

build ui projectx — built a game that's all about putting together a UI. it starts with a challenge and a leaderboard to see who's in the lead. the game has you switching between HTML, CSS, and JS, crafting your UI as the clock ticks. your score updates on the fly, keeping things spicy.

relevel 2.0 — the first prototype played around with swiping to navigate. a swipe left shows your profile, a swipe right takes you back home. more swipes let you peek at your network and courses, with little hints to keep you on track. it was a step towards making things flow better.

profile projectx — took on reimagining professional profiles, mixing good looks with smooth interactions. started with a standout intro, showing off skills and wins right away. a few swipes and you'd see more about what someone's good at, even adding a bit of fun with game scores and past achievements.

question formats — put together a prototype for testing out game layouts, especially for the longer questions and multiple-choice bits. made sure to add some interactive elements to keep things interesting.

game states — showed off different game states in a prototype, like what happens when you're first or last to answer, and the changes when time runs out. it was all about getting the feel of the game's pace and seeing how quick thinking and strategy could win the day.

game end you loose — starting a game has this cool moment where the world spins and you get matched up. if it doesn't go your way, the screen shows a slight drop in points but offers a do-over. there's even a way to get back what you lost with a power-up, keeping things balanced.

game end you win — kicking off a game starts with this neat globe animation, pairing you with someone just as skilled. get the answer right, and you'll see your score climb right there on the end screen, ready to jump into the next round.

compliments — if you're into someone's profile, hitting the thumbs up lets you send some good vibes. it's a spot to share what you liked, and then it adds to their collection of nice words, kind of like a feel-good storybook.

restore streak — if you skip a day's game, a little nudge suggests saving your streak with some coins. go for it, and you'll see this coin flip animation that means your streak's back on.

sharing profile — there's this slider thing that makes sharing your profile with recruiters a breeze. a swipe brings up your rating and how the sharing's going. once you're done, it's easy to get back to what you were doing.

season loader — introducing 'seasons' with a splash screen that smoothly moves to show your rating and stuff. it's all about making the wait more fun with cool visuals and animations.